Recent Launch 11/23/24
Aether's First Launch
Success! Aether's first launch proved to be spectacular and provided hope for our team to have greater success with each coming launch. While there is still much to work on, our 3 launches conducted proved far better than last year's Orion class rockets. Here's the breakdown:
Launch 1
Rocket: Aether Mark I
Date and Time: 11/23/24; 10:01 A.M
Motor Type: F44-4W
Motor Weight: 49.6 grams
Wind Speed: 5.6 mph
Altitude: 623 feet
Duration: 86 seconds
Egg Condition: Intact
Launch 2
Rocket: Aether Mark I
Date and Time: 11/23/24; 10:40 A.M
Motor Type: F44-4W
Motor Weight: 49.6 grams
Wind Speed: 3.2 mph
Altitude: 900 feet
Duration: 45 seconds
Egg Condition: Intact
Launch 3
Rocket: Aether Mark I
Date and Time: 11/23/24; 11:05 A.M
Motor Type: F44-4W
Motor Weight: 49.6 grams
Wind Speed: 8.1 mph
Altitude: ---
Duration: ---
Egg Condition: Intact